Summer Reading for My 16 Year Old Interested in Vet School

 ZNO English language Practice Test ii

Job 1

Y'all are going to read an extract from a novel.
For questions ane-8, choose the answer (A-D) which you lot think fits best according to the text.

On Sabbatum mornings I worked in the family unit store. I started cycling down to the shop with Dad on Saturdays every bit soon equally I was big enough. I thought of it every bit giving him a hand and so I didn't heed what I did, although it was mostly but fetching and carrying at a run all morning time. I managed not to think of information technology as work and I looked forward to the bar of chocolate my grandmother passed me unsmilingly as I left. I tried not to look at her; I had reason to feel guilty because I'd by and large already eaten some stale fruits or a sliver of cheese when no one was looking. Equally before long, as I was 15, though, Dad said, 'That's it, our Janet. You're of working age at present and yous're not coming to work unless your grandmother pays yous properly.' He did his best to make his chin expect adamant. I shall speak to her.'

The next Saturday, Gran called me into her little part backside the store. I always hated going in there. She had an electric heater on total blast, and the windows were e'er kept tightly closed whatsoever the atmospheric condition. There were piles of dusty catalogues and brochures on the floor. 'You're wanting to become paid, I hear,' Gran said. 'Yes, delight,' I replied. It was rather similar visiting the, headmistress at schoolhouse, and so I was very tranquility and respectful. Gran searched through the mess of papers? on her crowded desk, sighing and clicking her tongue. Eventually she produced an official-looking leaflet and ran her fingers along the columns of figures. 'How old are you?' 'Fifteen ... Gran,' I added for extra politeness, but she looked at me equally if I had been cheeky. 'Total-timers at your age get twoscore pounds for a thirty-five-hour week,' she announced in such a fashion as to leave no doubt that she wasn't in favour of this. 'No wonder at that place's no profit in shopkeeping. So, Janet, what'south that per hour?' Questions like that e'er flustered me. Instead of trying to work them out in my head, I would merely stand there, unable to think straight. "I'l get a pencil and newspaper," I offered. 'Don't bother,' snapped Gran angrily, I'll exercise it myself. I'll give you a pound an 60 minutes; take it or exit it.' I'll take it, please.' 'And I expect real work for it, mind. No standing nearly, and if I catch you eating any of the stock, there'll be trouble. That'south theft, and it's a criminal offense.'

From then on, my main job at the store was filling the shelves. This was dull, but I hardly expected to be trusted with handling the money. One time or twice, however, when Dad was actress busy, I'd tried to help him past serving behind the counter. I hated it. It was very difficult to think the prices of everything and I was particularly hopeless at using the till. Certain customers made unkind remarks about this, increasing my confusion and the chances of my making a fool of myself.

It was an old-established hamlet shop, going dorsum 150 years at least and it was really behind the times even and so. Dad longed to be able to make the shop more than bonny to customers, only Gran wouldn't hear of it. I overheard them in one case arguing about whether to buy a freezer cabinet. 'Our customers want frozen food,' Dad said. 'They see things advertised and if they tin can't become them from us, they'll go elsewhere.' 'Your father ever sold fresh food,' Gran replied. 'People come up here for quality, they don't want all that frozen stuff.'

Actually, she gave way in the end over the freezer. Mr Timson, her bang-up rival, installed 1 in his shop at the other end of the hamlet and customers started making loud comments about how handy it was, being able to get frozen food in the village, and how good Mr Timson's sausages were. That actually upset her because she was proud of her sausages and she ungraciously gave Dad the money to buy the freezer. Within a couple of weeks, she was eating frozen food like the balance of us.

1 How did Janet feel when she commencement started her Saturday morning task?

A She enjoyed the work that she was given.
B She was pleased to be helping her father.
C She worried that she was non doing it well.
D She was only really interested in the reward.

ii What practice nosotros learn about her grandmother's office in the second paragraph?

A It needed decorating.
B Information technology was untidy.
C It had besides much piece of furniture in it.
D It was nighttime.

3 'This' (paragraph 2) refers to

A shopkeepers' profits.
B a 30-five-hr week.
C Janet's request.
D the recommended wage.

4 'Flustered' (paragraph 2) means

A bored.
B angered.
C confused.
D depressed.

5 Why did Janet's grandmother react angrily to her offer to fetch a pencil and paper?

A Janet was unable to reply her question.
B Janet had been unwilling to help her.
C Janet had made an unhelpful suggestion.
D Janet had answered her rudely.

6What did Janet's father and grandmother disagree about?

A how to continue their customers loyal to the store
B the type of advertising needed to attract customers
C the type of customers they needed to concenter
D how to get new customers to come to the shop

7What eventually persuaded Janet's grandmother to buy a freezer?

A She institute that she liked frozen food afterwards all.
B A new shop opening in the village had one.
C It was suggested that her products weren't fresh.
D She responded to pressure from her customers.

8 What impression practise nosotros become of Janet's feelings towards her grandmother?

A She respected her fairness.
B She doubted her judgement.
C She disliked her manner.
D She admired her determination.

YOUR Answer
# A B C D


Y'all are going to read an commodity written past someone who lives in a house in a valley.
7 sentences have been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (9-fifteen).
At that place is one extra sentence which you do not demand to use.

# A B C D Due east F G H

Chore three

You are going to read a magazine article in which five people talk near their characters.
For questions 16-xxx, choose from the people (A-East).
The people may be chosen more than once.
When more than i answer is required, these may be given in whatever guild.

# A B C D E F G H


For questions 31-42, read the text below and decide which reply (А-D) best fits each gap.

Anybody's an artist

Every year, the hamlet of Pettineo celebrates its unique arts festival. For a few days each summer, artists from all over Europe 31_____ at this hamlet near the n coast of Sicily to 32_____ the creative temper. During their stay, the artists get together with the local people to paint a one-kilometre long motion-picture show that runs the 33_____ of the high street. 34_____ the painting is done, each visiting artist joins a local family for a big lunch and, 35_____ the meal, the family receives the 36_____ of the painting that the creative person has painted. Every bit a result, 37_____ few villagers are rich, almost every home has at least one painting past a well-known European artist. Visitors to the village are eagerly 38_____ into homes to see these paintings.
The festival was the idea of Antonio Presti, a local businessman who 39_____ it up several years ago. Since then, Pettineo has 40_____ a sort of domestic fine art museum in 41_____ whatever company tin can band a doorbell, become into a house and 42_____ a painting. In addition to this exhibition of paintings in people'southward homes, for those who have time to spare, there is an opportunity to wander through the display of huge sculptures in the village square.

31 A group B crowd C gather D combine
32 A amuse B enjoy C entertain D please
33 A size B measure C lenth D area
34 A Merely B In one case C Shortly D But
35 A in addition to B in place of C in common with D in exhange for
36 A sectionalisation B section C division D region
37 A though B despite C since D even
38 A persuaded B invited C requested D attracted
39 A set B put C got D had
40 A become B advanced C grown D increased
41 A what B where C whom D which
42 A wonder B stare C admire D respect
YOUR Answer
Task 4
# A B C D

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Grammar Examination
     Articles and nouns

Grammar Test
     Test on the usage of the verb tenses

Grammar Exam
     Passive Vox

Grammar Test

Grammar Exam
     Modal Verbs

Crammar Test
Conditionals - If I were you. If I went... If y'all had seen ... I would be ...
  Prepositions at, on, in      ... at home, ... on the bus, ... in the car, ...on time, ... in time,... at the end, ... in the cease, ... in the morning, at nighttime

  Prepositions with adjectives, nouns and verbs
.. worry about, ... sorry for, ... interested in, ... good at, ...famous for, ... engaged to, ... kind of, ... fed upward with, ... reason for

  Lexical Exam

Lexical Examination
(little, a little, few, a few)

  Lexical Test

(somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody)

  Lexical Test
(say, tell, speak, talk)

Lexical Test
(either, neither, also,also)

Lexical Test
(beautiful, handsome, pretty, good-looking, lovely)

Lexical Exam
(clothes and manner)

Lexical Exam

Lexical Exam
(travel and vacation)

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