John Oliver Just Crashed the Fcc s Website Over Net Neutralityã¢â‚¬â€again

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Three years ago, John Oliver crashed the Federal Communication Commission's website.

Well, he encouraged his viewers to do it, after he explained that net neutrality was threatened past large corporations.

Information technology seemed to have an event. Yet, the Trump administration seems rather peachy on rolling back anything the Obama administration supported, which includes the idea that internet service providers can't pick favorites when it comes to allowing access to pipes.

For example, it's not fair to favor, say, Google over Bing, Oliver offered up on his "Last Week This evening" show Sunday night.

"Although that'south clearly a hypothetical," Oliver said, every bit "there's clearly no such search engine equally Bing."

New FCC Chairman Ajit Pai -- a former Verizon lawyer -- has already declared that he wants to dismiss internet neutrality "with a grinning," and the use of a Weedwacker.

On Dominicus, therefore, Oliver accused him of uttering "series killer talk." He mocked Pai's tendency to quote "The Big Lebowski" and his Reese's Peanut Butter Loving cup mug.

Oliver accused Pai of mock-naivete. He said that he uses beguiling arguments -- such as the notion that more than regulation leads to less investment.

Then he turned his own Weedwacker onto President Donald Trump.

"He doesn't seem to have any idea of what this is," said Oliver. He used the example of a Trump tweet that said: "Obama's attack on the internet is another top downwardly power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media."


John Oliver and a mug.

Last Calendar week This evening/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET

"That's the exact opposite of what it did," insisted Oliver.

You know how this ends, don't you? Oliver incited his viewers to crash the FCC's comments site over again. It's a slightly more complicated process. You have to go to and then put in the proceedings number, which is 17-108.

In society to make things simpler, Oliver bought This leads you more than easily into the comments page. Oddly enough, by Monday morning, this comments page had crashed (though it appears to have come back online at least for some belatedly Monday morning.)

In a statement Monday, the FCC said its site was subjected to an attack effectually midnight Eastern Sunday, which was very soon after Oliver's show aired (from 11 to 11:30 p.m. Eastern).

"Starting time on Sunday nighttime at midnight, our analysis reveals that the FCC was subject to multiple distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS). These were deliberate attempts by external actors to bombard the FCC's annotate system with a loftier amount of traffic to our commercial cloud host," the FCC statement read. Information technology added that there was no effort to file comments, only to disrupt the site.

Oliver had appealed to everyone -- even Tom from MySpace -- to participate. Might this have included those who merely harbor ill volition?

The FCC's proposals aren't official yet. They will be voted on next month. Currently, the biggest broadband companies aren't in favor of the FCC's views. That's because they might ironically be subject field to far greater scrutiny if they're now classified as "common carriers" according to Title 2 of the Communications Act.

Pai told my colleague Maggie Reardon that he hasn't "fabricated any predetermined judgment, that's the entire purpose of this proceeding, to start this conversation with the American public."

Oh, only now Oliver's gone and got the American public all riled up again. And I fear that they're going to apply that pesky open up internet to really brand a nuisance of themselves.

First published May 8, 10:10 a.m. PT.
Update, 12:24 p.m.: Adds FCC statement near DDoS set on and removes a suggestion that Oliver's show was the direct crusade of the FCC site crash.

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