Where Can I See the September 23 2016 Bible Constellations

Screen shot from The Sign, a documentary in which biblical literalists claim the end is advent on Sept. 23 with a specific wandering alignment. YouTube hide caption

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Riddle shot from The Sign, a documentary in which biblical literalists lay claim the end is coming on Sept. 23 with a circumstantial planetary alliance.


The Sign, a documentary directed, shot and produced by Josh Turnbow and Henry M. Robert Dvoran and set to air Thursday, addresses whether the end of days is coming this month, as some biblical literalists predict.

The "sign" in the title refers to an alignment in the toss peaking on Sept. 23, whereby Mercury, Urania, Red Planet, and Jupiter will be around the constellations of Virgo and Leo, together with the sun and synodic month. Sept. 23 is when Jove leaves Virgin after organism there for a spell.

According to Disclosure 12, some say, this is when the end comes, after much turmoil and destruction:

"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried unsuccessful in pain as she was about to give birth. Then other sign on appeared in heaven: an tremendous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and cardinal crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the pitch and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in first of the woman who was about to deliver, so that it might raven her child the second atomic number 2 was born. She gave birth to a son, a antheral child, who "will rule every last the nations with an cast-iron sceptre." And her child was snatched busy God and to his throne.

According to the biblical literalists interviewed in The Sign, airing Sept. 14 at 8 p.m. ET/PT, the "Word" going away the birth canal is Jupiter departure Virgo the Virgin. The red Draco is associated by whatsoever literalists with Planet X, a planet (wrongly) conjectured to orbit the sun about 90 times Thomas More far-flung than Earth, which, the literalists say, comes all so oft to create havoc.

To make a recollective fib short, many biblical literalists substantiate with utmost strong belief in the written material that Kinfolk. 23 is IT — the day the end comes as prophesied in Revelation. (A prevue of the film can be watched here.)

As luck would have it, the docudrama doesn't only deliver this rendering of the story. Michael Shermer, author and editor of Skeptic magazine is there, too, to add up of the nonsense. And so are Ed Krupp, manager of the David Lewelyn Wark Griffith Lookout, and Konstantin Batygin, an assistant professor of astronomy at Caltech. Together, they explain the knowledge base arguments against such fears, including the fact that there is no more Planet X. Any so much satellite, precondition its elongate compass and extensive bulk, would rich person caused major instabilities in the star system, including ejecting the Earth from its place around the sun. Surrendered that Earth has been orbiting the sunshine for 4.5 billion years, its orbit is pretty stable so far. There is no more such planet.

Watching the written material, what I notic nearly striking is the strength of the literalists' conviction. What bequeath they say on Sept. 23 when the world remains where it is? Surely, as Shermer mentions, Trump may do something, or North Han-Gook. But isn't it always the case that there will be turmoil somewhere in the world — and this turmoil May beryllium interpreted as a sign from a biblical prophesy? Hasn't this happened over and over, prognostication of the ending aft prophecy being debunked by the boring persistence of life story as we get laid information technology?

Believers disagree. They argue that it all revolves around State of Israel and the mounting tensions in the region — and that this is it. Israel's existence, a chronology of dates from its foundation to wars, everything, they say, points to the veracity of the sometime prophecies. One of them particularly, Michael Rood, has returned to Israel to watch the end blossom forth. Rood looks like a benevolent rabbi, a biblical patriarch. Atomic number 2 is convinced that come Sept. 23 something will happen to the sun, signifying the dragon of the prophecy, although not needs Planet X. He is convinced that God will station the sign away, and it require not be rational with science. In his international, there are two coexisting analogue realities, a natural and a supernatural uncomparable. Occur the end, they will clash in decisive ways.

I watched the documentary in a state of veneration. The key question here is what makes people believe in such literal readings in 2017?

In my ledger The Vaticinator and the Astronomer: Cataclysm Science and the Crack of doom, I explored wherefore apocalyptic ideas ofttimes turn on some celestial event you said it such ideas have percolated from religion to skill. The skies do display unusual alignments and phenomena that have been ascertained for millennia. Since for believers the skies are often the realm of the gods, the skip over from visual perception something weird up on that point to attributing it to some kind of inspired message is not a huge one. Indeed, in cultures across the globe we find eclipses, comets, and meteoroid showers being associated with evil portents. If the skies act taken with, the gods can't be joyous. If the gods aren't happy, we will invite out it especially — if you are a Christian — the sinners.

The fear from the skies comes from the knowingness of our intrinsical fragility as we face nature's awesome powers. The current hurricane season is an obvious example of this, as is the recent star eclipse. St. John makes good use of the blackened Sun in his Disclosure, knowing advisable that the persona conjured terror in his readers. If Immortal controls the heavens and He makes the sun disappear for a some minutes, couldn't He just as easily brand information technology go dark forever?

Shermer, Krupp, and Batygin serve their best to dispel any potential danger. Krupp goes as far as chiding the literalists for scaring otherwise nice, good people with much rattling tales. The documentary explores the potential for an all-verboten nuclear war starting with Iran bombing Israel OR North Korea doing something evenly extortionate. Of course, no one can predict what scalawag states with nuclear weapons will do. It is meaningful that I am piece of writing these lines on 9-11, a date stamp forever tinged with blood in the U.S. However, even if something awful does happen on Sept. 23, an human activity of war or of terror, it will equal hard to acknowledge what came number 1, the act or the feeling that an pursue this date would stir terror on large sectors of the population.

The forcefulness of The Sign is to expose so openly the extent to which literalists will go to justify their beliefs, some using really compound numerology and coincidences as clues. The shoot ends with someone (I suspect Rood) asking: "Could this be the yr? This could be the yr."

Unfortunately, any year could be the year. If anything, IT's really up to USA to collectively construct a difference in what we get wind around us, from social iniquity to disease and famine. To instill fear equally an factor of change hasn't worked for millennia — and IT won't ferment now.

Marcelo Gleiser is a theoretical physicist and writer — and a professor of natural philosophy, physics and astronomy at Dartmouth. He is the director of the Found for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement at Dartmouth, co-give way of 13.7 and an active promoter of science to the general public. His stylish book is The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected: A Natural Philosopher's Pursue Trout and the Significant of Everything. You can keep up with Marcelo happening Facebook and Chirrup: @mgleiser

Where Can I See the September 23 2016 Bible Constellations

Source: https://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2017/09/13/550713417/is-the-apocalypse-coming-no-it-isn-t

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