Where Did Great Britain Establish Important Plantation Colonies

Jamaica, from the early nineteenth century. Watercolour, ink, and pencil. Created between 1808 and 1816.

Plantation was an early method of colonisation in which settlers went to establish a permanent or semi-permanent colonial base, such as for planting tobacco or cotton.[1] Such plantations were also frequently intended to promote Western culture and Christianity among nearby indigenous peoples, as can be seen in the early East-Coast plantations in America (such as that at Roanoke). The term "planter" to refer to a settler first appears as early as the 16th-century in reference to the Irish plantations[ citation needed ], the earliest true colonial plantation is usually agreed to be that of the Plantations of Ireland.[ citation needed ]

The word "plantation" was applied to the large farms that were the economical basis of many of the 17th-century American colonies. The peak of the plantation economy in the Caribbean was in the 18th century, especially for the sugar plantations that depended on slave labour. Most of that time Britain prospered as the top slaving nation in the Atlantic world.[ citation needed ] More than 2,500,000 slaves were transported to the Caribbean plantations between 1690 and 1807.[ citation needed ] Because slave life was so harsh on these plantations and slaves died without reproducing themselves, a constant supply of new slaves from Africa was required to maintain the plantation economy against the "natural decrease".[2] In 1789, the French colony of Saint-Domingue produced of 40 percent of the world's sugar and was the most valuable colony on earth. Slaves outnumbered whites and free people of colour by at least eight to one but provided nearly all of the manual labour, essentially all of it on the plantations. Slave labour made sugar production profitable. Importing sugar to Great Britain resulted in a dramatic change in the eating habits of Britons, one of the greatest in human history. In 1700, Britons used an average of four pounds of sugar a year, but by 1800, they used an average of 16 pounds a year.[2]

Britain and Ireland [edit]

Wales [edit]

A number of the Ring of Iron settlements, built between 1277 and 1295

Starting in the reign of Henry III of England, the English crown began a policy of castle building and settlement building in Wales to control the population, and strategically surround the newly conquered Kingdom of Gwynedd.[3]

Most of these castles were built with an integrated fortified town, which was designed to be provisioned from safer territories and hold out against Welsh attacks, an idea that the Normans had developed from the bastides of Gascony. These bastide towns were defended by stone fortifications some designed by James of St. George d'Esperanche. The towns were exclusively populated with English or Flemish settlers, who depended on the crown for their survival in Wales. The Welsh themselves were not permitted to enter the town after dark, held no rights to trade and were not allowed to carry arms.[4] [5]

Today, the Iron Ring is a contentious part of Welsh history. In 2017, when plans were announced for an iron sculpture of a giant ring as part of a restoration project of Flint Castle, the project was met with criticism and accusations that it was commemorating the conquering and subjugation of Wales by England.[6] The plans were ultimately cancelled after social media campaign and petition.[7]

Ireland [edit]

The Plantations of Ireland was an overseas colonisation into Ireland, which harkened back to England's first overseas colony in Ireland in the 12th century. By the time of the Tudors most of Ireland layout of English rule, if not totally after the fall of the anglo-Norman territory over centuries and the Gaelic Reemergence, they took place in the 16th-17th centuries. Most of Ireland was colonized in this period, Starting in 1550 with fort protector and Fort governor, followed notably by corporate colonies in Munster in the 1560s-1580s established by Richard Grenville and Warham St Leger. The Plantation of Ulster in the northern part of the island, was established following the rebellion of Hugh Roe O'Donnell and Hugh O'Neill in the Nine Years' War (1594-1603). The plantations were seen as part of the process that would Anglicise Ireland, as well as a means of English empire-building and testing, and extending control over the native Irish. Lands were seized or outright conquered from the native Irish both as punishment for rebellion and for remaining Catholic or adhering to Irish culture rather than conforming to English Alien culture and language of the English Tudors, as well as economic and resourceful benefits through colonization. (Protestant) established church. These lands were given to English and English corporations, the First corporate colonies or joint-stock colonies in the world, (and later with the planations of Ulster, Scottish) Protestant settlers who would be loyal to the Crown and keep the native Irish under control.

The Irish colonies were the blueprint for the American colonies and the British Empire, the origin of joint-stock-feudalism colonies, tactics used against the native Americans had been adopted from interactions with the native Irish, the style of buildings used in the American colonies was a carbon copy of the Irish fortifications and houses and the corporations in Ireland were partly dissolved and the assets reused to create the Virginia company, Even some Irish born planters had been involved in its creation such as Daniel Gookin, a Munster colonist, sold his lands in Carrigaline and his company in Munster to the ultimate capitalist-colonialist of the period, the newly+created Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork. He then partnered with another Munster colonist, Captain William Newce[8] [9]

The plantations have been described by historians as an attempt at ethnic cleansing similar to the practices of war and colonization against the native Americans and by the same group of adventurers known as the West Countrymen. Ireland has been described by historians as one of the Atlantic colonies.[ citation needed ]

North America [edit]

Jamestown, Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in North America. During the 17th century, the Chesapeake Bay area was immensely hospitable to tobacco cultivation. Ships annually hauled 1.5 million pounds (680,000 kilograms) of tobacco out to the Bay by the 1630s, and about 40 million pounds (18 million kilograms) by the end of the century. Farmers responded to falling prices by growing even more tobacco. The labour supply from Africa (slaves) was expensive. In the 17th century, plantation owners initially relied on indentured servants for labour. To encourage settlement of the colonies, the Crown granted land to colonists who paid for workers and other settlers under a headrights system. The planters replaced tobacco with other crops after the soils became exhausted in the coastal areas. Cotton was produced on plantations on the Sea Islands off South Carolina and Georgia.

The economy of the South changed markedly beginning in the early nineteenth century, as the invention of the cotton gin made cultivation of short-staple cotton profitable across vast areas of the upland Southeast. Settlers poured into what became known as the Deep South, putting pressure on the federal government to remove the Native American tribes from the Southeast in what today is referred to as ethnic cleansing. In the 1830s, the government forced most of the Five Civilized Tribes to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River, leading to rapid development of extensive cotton plantations across the South to eastern Texas. Cotton was king, and worldwide demand for American cotton resulted in growing wealth among planters in the South, wholly dependent on enslaved labour.

European colonists did not recognize the land as belonging to the tens of thousands of Native Americans who occupied it, based on the difference in their patterns of land use, and therefore the plantations of New England were considered to occupy "virgin" land or wilderness. The Plymouth Plantation, was settled to create a new beginning for English dissenters and, as such, was essentially utopian. Later plantations were more overtly entrepreneurial: European investors funded colonists in the expectation of good returns. Examples of the latter include the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the New Haven Colony, the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam (now New York), and the French in Canada, where they named their colony as New France .

In the state of Maine, the old meaning has been preserved in the name of a type of local government jurisdiction. It was also preserved in the full name of Rhode Island (the "State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations") until 2020.[10]

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Etymology of plantation". Online etymology dictionary. Online etymology dictionary. Retrieved 27 April 2016.
  2. ^ a b Rogozinski, Jan (1999). A Brief History of the Caribbean (Revised ed.). New York: Facts on File, Inc. pp. 110, 126, 141–142. ISBN0-8160-3811-2.
  3. ^ Smith 1998, pp. 582–605 harvnb error: no target: CITEREFSmith1998 (help)
  4. ^ Thomas, Jeffrey (2009). "Welsh Castles of Edward I". Castles of Wales . Retrieved October 20, 2019.
  5. ^ Beresford, Maurice Warwick (1967). New Towns of the Middle Ages: Town Plantation in England, Wales, and Gascony. Praeger.
  6. ^ "Flint iron ring sculpture plans met with criticism". BBC News. 24 July 2017.
  7. ^ "'Insulting' Flint Castle iron ring plans scrapped". BBC News. 7 September 2017.
  8. ^ Gwynn, Aubrey (1929). "Early Irish Emigration to the West Indies (1612-1643)". Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review. 18 (71): 377–393. JSTOR 30094519.
  9. ^ https://watermark.silverchair.com/gtw018.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAsIwggK-BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggKvMIICqwIBADCCAqQGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMXr98d5JIuDR91IK2AgEQgIICdQCsmHZ0Ykwq4rbvJS-SVXE32T7R2MbwvfUGOrkZiZfkhs5tlb5xRGppN23D2QuqXxa7VuuF1e_ULrp6rsTqqtomuAoal8ECHXeSJZtmwpwcSQAizzXT-wkUPXysAGAAx3A-KAJl84h941u0WNj4lVbFul-LcjnPrl4JYjVr7-VOas7pfG0s0u20lfmmxs5IgWGaD3VtKcBg8Fx3dfAkOuNZfziOFLF_ftHMTiKCXHoVkWQsDY_ltwBH1qzirAGMSlLVxfVP9Cs_BLvygivUvgL0XZa5Ax9bQPOcXcdMeWBI2VknZLV2jx5_yZnS4LpkJ8Kzj97SbhI792vitAoCMO8Wpje1GGxmIYI3eBPTL4HR3Id75ak13AzbNN_qGD_z0S4y-qfcWJ_ujDz6B5rBF9NOR0fgFGcZ9YTrDMYPjMiHfeRzoqclXHMQ-rW3TDy_lsyLIfrYVr4gbo2MTdqfI_ntZ7QyyE-96OuErfDNXAG-jdONP3nDoHeJF3mC0cVY4cm2WVJzwZUcgVvco6TX5afR9Q2PY2phJ9sB4ZvARnBh2oTpsPVtlWVAD3EP6ef3H0zsrdBQxx924RfPvdq0qIlQs129OIGhI2WaxN4f17Zqtds207cYiF5_NyzSqCSqxXrg7pUrEUIXMOseUabsKMp6rmpQGiF9IV-NjTvGdYdS0EK3cnQE8M-ii5DI2Fcg7ToKczPWX1ZPs-GN6vViNR3i-nLyFAbCT8SCJ8yC72Gc7YxX7YRbSLMhleTn7hLC_HjnbhufvRCd5C0hxQF3HDMoQHrvd6K8wDeoHnPb05w00XifIL_-nrt2nVEymU68UebEgCDe
  10. ^ "Rhode Island Question 1, Name Change Amendment (2020) - Ballotpedia". Retrieved 2020-11-06 .
  • Albert Galloway Keller, 1908, Colonization: A Study of the Founding of New Societies, Bastion: Ginn & Company

Where Did Great Britain Establish Important Plantation Colonies

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantation_(settlement_or_colony)

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